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AmeriSent Insurance Blog

Risks of Driving Without Underinsured/Uninsured Auto Insurance in Las Vegas, NV

Driving without adequate insurance in Las Vegas, NV, can lead to legal issues and financial difficulties. Despite Nevada’s insurance requirements, not all drivers comply with the law. Understanding the risks of driving without Underinsured/Uninsured (UIM/UM) coverage is crucial every time you get behind the wheel. At Amerisent Insurance, we can guide you through the process of choosing the right insurance policy for your vehicle, helping you avoid potential fees, fines, and legal consequences of driving without proper coverage.

Potential Financial Burdens

If you’re injured in an accident and lack UIM/UM coverage (and the other driver involved is uninsured), you’ll have to cover your medical costs out-of-pocket. This includes expenses for rehabilitation, x-rays, medication, and any long-term treatments or procedures required for a full recovery.

Possible Legal Costs

If you decide to sue an at-fault driver for damages and medical injuries sustained in an accident, but neither you nor the other party is insured, you’ll be responsible for all legal costs associated with the lawsuit.

Vehicle Repairs

If your vehicle sustains significant damage and, the at-fault driver is uninsured, and you lack UIM/UM insurance, you’ll have to pay for repairs and/or part replacements out-of-pocket.

Understanding the significant risks of driving without proper underinsured or uninsured auto insurance in Las Vegas is essential, whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the city. If you need suitable auto insurance coverage and are unsure about the right policy for you, we’re here to help. For more information about underinsured/uninsured auto insurance policies available in Las Vegas, NV, contact Amerisent Insurance for a consultation today.

Does Your Business Need Cyber Insurance?

There are many types of commercial insurance on the market, and most businesses need at least one type if not more. One of these types of policies is cyber insurance. An increasing number of businesses today need this kind of insurance, and your business may be one of them. To find out more about cyber insurance, you can call us at Amerisent Insurance in Las Vegas, NV.

What Is Cyber Insurance?

Companies today increasingly rely on computer systems. They use these for a lot of data storage. This often includes data about the business as well as customers and employees. It’s possible for a company to have a data breach so that this information is leaked to parties outside the business. It’s common for this information to be posted online for anyone to use. When this happens, it can be highly expensive and time-consuming to take care of. When you have cyber insurance, it helps you clean up the mess. It pays for the costs of cleaning up these breaches so that you can get back to business again.

Do You Need Cyber Insurance?

Whether you need cyber insurance often comes down to whether you store information on computers. If you do, it’s often wise to get this type of insurance. It can help a great deal after a breach so that your company doesn’t owe so much that it goes out of business. An expensive breach may wreak havoc with a company’s capital without this type of insurance policy.

Get Your Cyber Policy

When you want to keep your business protected, you need to have the right insurance policies. You may have many other aspects of your company covered, but if you don’t have cyber insurance, you may not have all the policies you need. Call us at Amerisent Insurance in Las Vegas, NV to get started.

Knowing your home insurance: Things home insurance doesn’t cover

Your home insurance is quite a complex document. It offers a great deal of coverage and peace of mind. However, there are things that home insurance doesn’t cover. These are exclusions, and it is essential that you read your policy so that you are aware of what isn’t covered before you find out the hard way. At Amerisent Insurance in Las Vegas, NV, we offer our customers choices and work to find the best policy to meet their needs.


According to the state of Nevada, the greatest danger that homes face in Nevada is flash floods. Changing weather patterns have left areas that formerly would never see a flood in danger of being devastated. Even 12 inches of water in a home results in thousands of dollars in damage, and your insurance won’t cover it. Coverage is available through the National Flood Insurance Program.

Earth movement

Earth movement covers a few different things. It can be an earthquake, a sinkhole, a landslide, or a mudslide. The Frenchman Mountain Fault is less than 12 miles from downtown Las Vegas. An earthquake of only 6.0 would cause major damage to homes and businesses. The bad news is that home insurance doesn’t cover earthquake damage. You can, however, get specialized coverage for earthquakes.

Some dog breeds

If you have a dog as part of your family, you need to let your insurance agent know. Some breeds are considered so dangerous and aggressive that they are not covered. If your dog bites someone or their pet, you could be sued, and the complete cost would be on you, including any required medical care.

If you live in or near Las Vegas, NV, our agents at Amerisent Insurance are here to help with any questions you have about your home insurance coverage.

I just paid off my car. Should I reduce my auto insurance to liability?

It’s a huge relief to pay off an auto loan, and you might consider reducing your auto insurance coverage. However, this decision requires careful consideration. Sometimes, opting for less insurance coverage isn’t the wisest choice, especially if you can’t afford to replace or repair your car if something happens to it. Our team at Amerisent Insurance is committed to educating Las Vegas, NV drivers and helping them get the coverage that fits their unique needs.

Insurance Requirements for Auto Loans

Most lenders require loan holders to carry full coverage insurance until the car is paid off. This protects the lender should anything happen to the car before it’s paid in full. However, it also provides protection for the loan holder. Car insurance protects both the loan holder and the lender. The asset, the car, is protected, and the loan holder is protected financially. Plus, the lender can be financially compensated if something happens to the car before the auto loan is paid in full.

Should I reduce my auto insurance to liability after paying off my car?

It depends. Generally, if your annual premium is more than your car’s actual value, it’s probably a good idea to drop full coverage insurance. Full coverage insurance includes comprehensive and collision coverage in addition to the required liability coverage. Once your insurance premium is worth more than your car, the likelihood of your insurance company paying for any repairs to your car as a result of an accident or some other covered incident is rare. At this point, your car is considered a total loss, and you will get very little money for it.

Most importantly, your insurance company won’t pay for the repairs. If you have more questions regarding insurance coverage, contact us. We’d be happy to answer them.

Is BOP Insurance a Good Choice for Your Business?

Protecting your assets is a critical task for a company owner or manager. One way to do this is through commercial insurance. There are several types of such insurance, and you may wonder which one to choose. If your company is located in Las Vegas, NV, our professional team at Amerisent Insurance is ready to answer all your questions about insurance.

Understanding BOP Insurance for Businesses

While buying insurance, saving money is always a top priority. One way you can achieve this is by combining your policies, for instance, through a BOP (Business Owner’s Policy). Investopedia defines a BOP as a commercial insurance policy combining property, business interruption, and liability insurance into a single policy. This combination allows you to cut costs on insurance premiums as a single BOP policy is cheaper than separate property and liability policies.

Some BOP policies can also include crime, commercial vehicles, and flood insurance. However, note that BOP usually doesn’t cover worker’s compensation claims or disability insurance. According to Investopedia, your business must meet specific qualifications to qualify for BOP insurance. You can talk to our Amerisent team to see if your company meets the eligibility criteria for BOP.

Contact Us for Your Insurance Needs

Whether or not BOP insurance suits your company, ensuring you’re adequately insured is essential. Our team at Amerisent Insurance has been providing trustworthy service to clients in Las Vegas, NV for years. We’re here to help you with all your insurance needs, so feel free to schedule an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Theft?

Homeowner’s insurance provides essential protection for your assets. Policies from Amerisent Insurance typically cover a gamut of perils, including natural disasters and possible fire damage. For example, if a tree falls on your home during a storm, most insurance policies can help cover the damages. However, with burglary incidents becoming increasingly common, how does your homeowner’s insurance safeguard you against them?

Personal Property Coverage

Most homeowners insurance policies in Las Vegas, NV, inclusively offer personal property coverage. This level of coverage can compensate for damages to personal belongings, including theft. However, this is a standard feature in homeowner’s insurance, it is always advisable to verify this aspect with your insurance agent. Insurance policies can frequently vary depending on the company, and some providers might offer personal property as an add-on feature instead of including it in the standard policy.

Coverage Limitations

It’s essential for homeowners to remember that insurance policies always have limits on the coverage they offer. For example, by opting for lower personal property coverage, you might benefit from lower premiums. However, if your coverage covers up to $5,000 of personal property and a thief makes away with personal property worth $10,000, your insurance won’t cover the entire loss. Therefore, always be aware of the limitations on coverage by understanding the details of your policy.

Reach Out to Amerisent Insurance

Theft is generally covered under homeowners insurance in Las Vegas, NV, but every policy and insurance company differs. You should always consult a professional insurance agent to verify if your policy covers theft. If you’re concerned about theft, inquire if you can include personal property coverage along with its cost coverage in your insurance policy. Contact us at Amerisent Insurance today to discover more about our homeowner’s insurance policies and their coverage extent.

Does your auto insurance cover you when you rent a vehicle?

As the temperature begins to rise, it’s time to start planning your summer vacation. You book your flights, reserve your accommodation, and then turn to the question of a vehicle rental. You choose the location, pick the dates, and select the vehicle size, and then they ask if you want to accept the rental company’s insurance. It can be not very clear. At Amerisent Insurance in Las Vegas, NV, our agents help our customers understand and choose the coverage they need.

The nature of your existing auto insurance largely determines if you require rental car insurance. Suppose your auto insurance is basic and provides only liability coverage. In that case, it will offer some assistance in the event of an accident but won’t cover the repair costs for the rental vehicle. In a scenario like this, you could be left with a massive repair bill that no one wants.

However, if your vehicle is fairly new and has full coverage, including collision, comprehensive, and full glass, you should be adequately protected when driving a rental car. Therefore, you won’t need their expensive insurance. Rental companies may try to sell coverage for personal items in the vehicle, but you already have this coverage if you have home, condo, or rental insurance.

Moreover, checking the credit card used to rent the vehicle is advisable. Many cards offer rental car coverage, which means that you can keep your record clean without filing an insurance claim with your carrier.

In short, whether your auto insurance policy covers rental cars depends on its specific details.

If you live in Las Vegas, NV, and have questions or concerns about your auto insurance, do not hesitate to contact our independent insurance agents at Amerisent Insurance.

How commercial insurance can save your small business

Operating a small business can be risky, no matter where you are. However, in Las Vegas, NV, the business climate and tax laws are beneficial to small business owners. Nonetheless, even with such advantages, running a small business comes with its own set of challenges. At Amerisent Insurance, we understand these risks and are committed to helping you reduce some of them with the aid of your chosen commercial insurance.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance differs from home property insurance. It provides value to both the building owners and renters. This insurance merges the protection of the physical property with safeguarding all the elements you use in conducting your business. This might include machinery, plumbing supplies, office equipment, electronics, raw materials, or inventory. Having your insurance replace these items promptly can be crucial to saving your business in case of damage.

Commercial Liability Insurance

Liability is one of the most significant risks for all small businesses. Statistics show that one out of every three small businesses faces a lawsuit every year. Anyone, including customers, clients, vendors, and even employees, can initiate these lawsuits. With adequate liability coverage, your business can survive legal proceedings and associated costs.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

In Nevada, if you employ one or more individuals, you are obligated to provide workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance serves to protect both you and your employees.

Business Interruption Insurance

Any event that disrupts your business operations can be not only frightening but may also lead to your business shutting down permanently. Your bills won’t cease even if your income does. With business interruption insurance, you can sustain your business operations until you are able to resume normal operations.

Contact Amerisent Insurance in Las Vegas, NV, to discuss your small business commercial insurance needs.

What Special Coverage Should You Add To Your Home Insurance In Las Vegas?

If you’re a homeowner, you know that you need home insurance. However, owning a home in Las Vegas, Nevada, requires some special considerations. The unique desert climate offers challenges that homeowners in other parts of the US don’t have to consider. Luckily, there are insurance policies that can provide you with additional protection. 

Flood Insurance

Las Vegas might be a desert, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for a flood. July to September is considered the monsoon season. During this time, heavy rains can cause flash flooding, often leading to serious damage to structures. Ensuring that you have coverage for floods may save your home in the event of an emergency. 

Coverage For Extreme Temperatures

Las Vegas can be a hot place, with summers sending temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. Nevada residents might want to consider a home insurance policy that provides for damage to their homes from extreme temperatures. That policy may also cover broken air conditioning systems, a must-have in the Las Vegas, NV heat waves. 

Coverage For Windstorms

As if flash floods and heatwaves weren’t enough, Las Vegas is also in danger of wind and dust storms. These can cause serious damage, especially to roofs and windows. A comprehensive insurance policy should include coverage for wind, a unique consideration that homeowners elsewhere don’t usually need. 

How Amerisent Insurance Can Help

If you’re choosing a homeowners’ policy in Las Vegas, you might feel overwhelmed by the additional considerations. Amerisent Insurance serves the Las Vegas area, helping residents find the policy that’s right for their needs. Contact us today to schedule your appointment or for additional information. 

Which Natural Disasters are Covered by an Auto Insurance Policy?

Need for Comprehensive Auto Insurance in Las Vegas, NV

Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, heat waves, wildfires, droughts, severe storms, and landslides pose a significant risk in Nevada. If you reside in Las Vegas, NV, you need comprehensive auto insurance to protect your vehicle—be it a car, van, motorbike, or truck—from damage or total loss during these calamities.

Auto Insurance Coverage Against Natural Disasters

Comprehensive auto insurance is the only auto insurance type that provides coverage against natural disasters. This extensive coverage offers protection against theft, collisions with large animals (such as deer), falling tree limbs, and vandalism. However, it doesn’t include coverage for personal belongings in the vehicle. Consider investing in umbrella coverage in addition to comprehensive auto insurance, especially if you transport valuables regularly. This investment ensures complete coverage for your vehicle and its content in the unfortunate event of an accident.

Personalized Auto Insurance from Amerisent Insurance

Choosing specialized auto insurance coverage can be daunting, particularly when comprehensive coverage is required to cater to multiple incident scenarios. Budget constraints can make this choice even more challenging. At Amerisent Insurance, we take pride in offering affordable auto, home, business, life, and health insurance that meets the diverse needs of Las Vegas, NV residents, regardless of age or lifestyle. Reach out to us to explore your options or get a quote for your preferred policy.

Partner Carriers

  • American Modern
  • Cigna
  • Foremost Insurance Co
  • Hagerty
  • Health Plan of Nevada
  • Humana
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Mercury
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • National General
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • Progressive Home & Auto
  • Safeco Insurance
  • Sierra Health and Life
  • Stillwater Insurance Group
  • The Hartford
  • Travelers
  • UnitedHealth Care
  • Universal North America Ins Co